Question: What is the Bible’s main message in Acts 2?


The endowment of the Holy Spirit, in Power; as per. the prophecy of Joel, and the Lord’s Words.

Unfortunately, because of the rejection of Christ Jesus as Messiah by the Jews (Acts 28:25–28); some of the spectacular power was reduced, so that Paul was unable to heal (i.e. Trophimus)!

The Jewish Sanhedrin's action has meant that the Jews are presently “Lo-Ammi” (not My people); a condition that will remain until the events of Zech.12:10!

When that happens, the nation of Israel will be made “Ammi” (My people); and will be restored to their rightful place, see Ezek. 39:21–29; and Israel will become a “Kingdom of Priests unto God” (see Rev. 1:6):

V.6 And made (c)us a (a)Kingdom and Priests unto God His Father; to Him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. (b)Amen.

(a) This in AV, and mistranslated from the Manuscripts and in the minds of C. of E., and many other Church groups around the World is translated kings!  This huge error which leaves some Christians (especially the Brethren Movement) thinking that it refers to them in the Millennium and is not easily changed.  However, the true translation is "Kingdom”, which means that the future Jewish Nation in the Millennial Reign of Christ, will be an established Nation to the promised borders (as opposed to the present oppressed tiny Nation) part /or all of which will be Priests to Him, (Rev. 5:9 & 10) and (Rev. 20:4-6) and (Exodus 19:4-6).

The offer made by Jehovah to Israel in Exodus 19:4-6 & 8; they accepted, and then broke their word.  However, Jehovah again re-offered in Jer. 31:31-34, which Israel again rejected at Acts 28:28; and the Salvation offer then went to the Gentiles (heathen)!.

Messiah- Christ's return will restore Israel, to the Priestly function, (Isa. 61:6, 66:21 and 1Peter 2:9), see also later notes.

(b) Comp. P.1511, and note (e) in next verse.

(c) The term "us" refers to (a) "Kingdom and Priests" which is therefore further proof of the Jewish emphasis of Revelation.  The promise to Israel only, is that they would be a Kingdom of Priests unto God, (Ex. 19:4-6).



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